Telegram os x
Telegram os x

Telegram X for iOS is written entirely in Swift and is significantly lighter, faster and more battery-efficient than the original app, built with Objective C. The app is now ready to begin its experimental journey with new features scheduled to appear as early as next week. This is by no means an exhaustive list of features, Telegram X for Android is full of little surprises in every corner. X for Android is faster and more battery-efficient than the original app and features a sleek new design: The winner then used the power of TDLib to create a stunning app with a special focus on smooth animations. Telegram X for Android was born in the furnaces of a contest for Android developers that our founder launched two years ago. But even if they don't, they will speed up the development of Telegram by allowing us to quickly test new approaches and technologies. Today we are glad to present two new official apps – Telegram X for Android and iOS.īoth these apps are experimental and may or may not eventually replace the existing official apps. The goal of Telegram X is to reinvent Telegram and explore new frontiers in speed, ease of use, quality of animations and all other aspects. The Telegram X project features apps written from scratch, with an entirely new code base and without all the legacy components that our older apps have accumulated through the years. This is why for the last two years we've been developing a new generation of Telegram clients in parallel with the main versions. In this environment, we started relying on internal competition to feed our flames. But as years passed, we saw less and less innovation coming from competitors, who now seem content merely to adapt Telegram features to their platforms with an average lag of two years. Competition is the soul of progress, so at first we got plenty of inspiration from other messengers that spurred us on.

telegram os x

Our mission is to make Telegram faster, slicker and easier to use with each passing month. If you're looking for the best iOS experience, switch to the main Telegram app. UPD: As of October 2018, Telegram X for iOS has replaced the older Objective-C based client.

Telegram os x